
  • Deals with root canal treatment.
  • Enables the preservation of the patient’s own teeth in the case of caries combined with pulpitis, pulp devitalisation or gangrene.

Treatment includes:

  • removal of the infected pulp,
  • mechanical root canal preparation,
  • root canal disinfection,
  • root canal filling.

Caries development stages:

A healthy tooth
A healthy tooth
Enamel decay
Enamel decay
Dentine decay
Dentine decay

Perfection of the aforesaid procedure is a guarantee of success. This would not be possible without the proper technical facilities available at Charme Clinique:

  • Radiography, pantomography and computed tomography ensure proper diagnostics and control at all stages of endodontic treatment;
  • Endodontic microscope ensuring high precision in finding thin, additional or incorrectly located root canals; it also helps in removing broken instruments so as to successfully complete the procedure;
  • Endometers enabling very precise root canal length determination;
  • New systems of root canal instruments and tools for filling the canals ensure conditions for foreseeable and successful completion of the treatment.
