We welcome
Charme Clinique

Charme Clinique

Dental Clinic

ul. Puławska 228 lok. usł. 2
02-670 Warszawa
mobile +48 723 12 12 12
phone: +48 22 412 12 04
e-mail: klinika@charmeclinique.pl

Registration details:

PRAKTYKA STOMATOLOGICZNA CHARME CLINIQUE Barbara Ciepielewska, Zbigniew Klimek spółka jawna
ul. Puławska 228 lok. usł. 2, 02-670 Warszawa
Regon Statistical Number 142948051
NIP Tax Identification Number 5213604799
KRS Number 0000559379
Bank account 75 1140 2017 0000 4402 1274 5487

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By completing the form you agree to the processing your personal data in accordance with Art. 7 p.2 of the European Parliament and the EU Council 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 concerning personal data processing and the cancelling of Directive 95/46/EU ( on data protection)

Your data will be processed by Praktyka Stomatologiczna Charme Clinique Barbara Ciepielewska Zbigniew Klimek spółka jawna at Puławska 228/2, 02-670 Warsaw in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Your data have been provided voluntarily and consciously in order to facilitate communication with Charme Clinique in connection with services rendered.

We inform you about the possibility of withdrawing your consent at any time, by sending a written statement to this fact.

+48 723 12 12 12