Our dental clinic offers a full range of conservative dentistry services (the fundamental branch of dental care), including the treatment of cavities and advanced decay (also known as caries).
A dentist's primary goal is to help patients maintain their natural teeth in good health for as long as possible. This is the main focus of conservative dentistry: preventing and addressing dental issues. An important part of it is dental prevention, and we write more about it in the Dental Prophylaxis section.
Caries is a bacterial infection caused by microorganisms in the mouth that break down sugars and release acids. These acids demineralize tooth enamel, eventually causing cavities to form.
Cavity treatment involves cleaning the decay (removing the damaged tissue and bacteria) and filling the area with a special material (a filling). At Charme Clinique, we prioritize restoring teeth to their original shape and color, ensuring both their functionality and aesthetics.
A beautiful smile enhances confidence in personal and professional life. It’s important for people holding exposed positions, working in media, advertising and PR agencies, or in B2B market. For patients seeking to improve the aesthetics of their smile, we offer specialized services in aesthetic dentistry and orthodontics.
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