Caries: What It Is and Why It Is Dangerous

Caries is a bacterial infection caused by microorganisms in the mouth that break down sugars and release acids. These acids demineralize tooth enamel, eventually causing cavities to form.

Tooth decay begins with enamel (the hard outer layer of a tooth), progresses to dentin (beneath the enamel), and finally reaches the pulp (the tooth’s innermost layer). Untreated caries can destroy the tooth entirely and can lead to tooth extraction. It can also cause severe complications, including sinus infections, chronic tonsillitis, joint inflammation, kidney issues, heart disease, and rheumatism.

Did You Know?
Caries is contagious! Bacteria causing tooth decay can be transmitted between people, for instance, when a parent cleans a pacifier or a spoon with their mouth before giving it to a child.

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