Our dental clinic offers a comprehensive range of root canal treatment services, including:
Untreated caries can lead to tooth inflammation, pulp necrosis, or pulp gangrene (you will find more about the stages of caries in our Cavity Treatment section). If this happens, root canal treatment, or endodontic therapy, is necessary.
Root canal treatment includes removing the infected pulp – the innervated part of the tooth. As a result, the tooth becomes non-vital or "dead," meaning it should no longer cause pain. Therefore, any pain in a previously treated tooth is a signal that complications have arisen.
Root canal therapy is a multi-step and costly process. When the initial treatment fails, many patients question whether it's worth pursuing retreatment. The alternative for endodontic treatment is tooth extraction (and subsequent replacement with a bridge, prosthesis, or implant). However, these solutions are more costly and do not provide a complete replacement of the patient’s own tooth in terms of both function and aesthetics.
The final, crucial stage of root canal therapy is restoring the tooth. Accessing the canal and cleaning it effectively often requires the removal of a significant portion of the tooth. A non-vital tooth is also more susceptible to fractures or breakage. Therefore, effective tooth restoration requires the use of highest-quality materials and skills to rebuild the tooth’s shape and function.
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