Why Consider Retreatment?

Root canal therapy is a multi-step and costly process. When the initial treatment fails, many patients question whether it's worth pursuing retreatment. The alternative for endodontic treatment is tooth extraction (and subsequent replacement with a bridge, prosthesis, or implant). However, these solutions are more costly and do not provide a complete replacement of the patient’s own tooth in terms of both function and aesthetics.

Of course, every case is unique, and we approach each patient individually. Before making a final decision, we carry out a thorough diagnosis. We encourage patients to attempt saving their natural teeth, whenever possible, for the following reasons:

  • A natural tooth, even when non-vital, helps preserve natural bite conditions and offers various options for prosthetic treatment; this solution is significantly more affordable than implant treatment.
  • Root canal therapy is a non-invasive procedure (unlike implant treatment) and allows for a quicker restoration of the damaged tooth.
  • Not all patients are suitable candidates for implants. There may be contraindications such as anatomical issues, overall health, habits, or malocclusion. More information on this topic can be found in our Implantology section.

Charme Clinique
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