Gaps in Teeth: Functional and Psychological Impact

Missing teeth or bigger gaps can significantly affect daily functioning and cause psychological discomfort in both personal and professional life. A lost tooth, or several missing teeth, as well as broken or chipped ones, are often seen as sources of embarrassment. They can make patients feel self-conscious, discourage them from smiling freely, and diminish their confidence. That’s why our dental clinic aims to help every patient who comes to us with such a problem. Prosthodontics and implantology have undergone a real revolution in recent years.

We have a wide range of solutions available for patients. A missing tooth no longer has to be a problem for anyone. Thanks to our experience, knowledge, and excellent technical facilities, Charme Clinique is ready to help patients, even in complicated cases such as missing most or all teeth, or gaps caused by injuries and situations requiring a dental surgeon intervention.

To provide the most effective care, it's crucial to select the right treatment to replace the missing teeth and prepare the patient accordingly.

Charme Clinique
Our Knowledge – Your Health and Smile

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