Prosthodontic and implant treatments are multi-stage processes and require proper patient preparation. It is often the final step in dental treatment.
Stage I: Accurate Diagnosis
A proper diagnosis is key to choosing the right treatment. At our dental clinic, we focus on this very important step. The process begins with a prosthetic or implant consultation. During this visit, we discuss the patient’s expectations. We perform radiological exams, an oral examination, and an interview the patient about their general health and habits. Only then can we propose a solution that will be both effective and safe.
Stage II: Preparing for Prosthetic / Implant Treatment
Implants and prosthetic restorations can be placed only after treatment of the teeth and surrounding tissues has been completed, and in the case of a prior tooth extraction, after the bone has healed. This helps avoid serious complications. Therefore, treatment for caries, root canals, periodontal disease, and other gum diseases may be required before starting the therapy.
Throughout the process and after its completion, it is crucial to maintain proper oral hygiene and undergo hygiene procedures such as tartar removal. This ensures proper execution of each stage of the treatment and allows patients to enjoy lasting outcomes.
In some cases, we recommend orthodontic treatment to create enough space for the planned prosthetics or implants, and achieve very good aesthetic results.
Stage III: Prosthetic / Implant Treatment
Prosthodontic and implant treatments offered by Charme Clinique are tailored to the needs, expectations, health condition, and financial situation of patients, and are carried out according to best practices. When choosing the treatment method, we always follow professional ethics: patient's well-being is our top priority. As therapy is often multi-stage and requires time, we offer temporary solutions that will ensure the patient’s comfort while the bone heals or the prosthesis is made.
Stage IV: Regular Follow-ups and Proper Patient Instructions
Prosthetics and implantology are areas of dentistry where the key to success lies in regular monitoring of prosthetic and implant restorations, as well as maintaining proper oral hygiene. We recommend that patients schedule:
- Hygiene treatments at a dental hygiene clinic
- Follow-up visits with the prosthodontist / implant surgeon
This allows monitoring and correcting any issues with implants and prosthetics or improper hygiene habits.