Want a Perfect Smile? Healthy Come Teeth First! Preparing for Aesthetic Dentistry Procedures

A beautiful smile is a valuable asset, but to maintain it, it’s essential to focus on the health of your teeth first. Veneers, inlays, onlays, overlays, and crowns should only be applied to healthy teeth. Performing cosmetic treatments on untreated teeth can lead to serious complications, including tooth loss. This is why our dental clinic emphasizes proper preparation, which includes:

  • Treating all dental issues
  • Healing any gum or oral infections
  • Cleaning teeth of tartar and plaque buildup

Orthodontic treatment is often the first step toward achieving a beautiful smile. Bonding and porcelain veneers applied without addressing bite issues can highlight these problems and negatively impact the overall appearance of your smile. In some cases, they may also complicate or even prevent future orthodontic therapy. We encourage patients who want to achieve a beautiful smile but suffer from bite issues to visit our orthodontic department and begin orthodontic treatment as a priority.

For optimal results, we may also recommend gum line correction (a periodontal surgery procedure) before applying veneers, as discussed later in this article.

Charme Clinique
Our Knowledge – Your Health and Smile

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