Prosthetic Dental Crowns

In many cases tooth damage is so severe, that applying veneers or fillings like inlays, onlays, or overlays may not be feasible. For patients who want to maintain a beautiful smile, dental crowns are an indispensable solution.

Crowns are permanent prosthetic coverings placed over a patient’s specially prepared teeth. They allow for the effective preservation of the function of a damaged tooth. They can also provide exceptional aesthetic results – properly fitted crowns replicate the natural appearance of teeth.

Indications for dental crowns:

  • A broken tooth
  • A chipped tooth with significant damage
  • Need for bite restoration
  • Tooth wear
  • Need to strengthen a tooth after root canal (endodontic) treatment to prevent future tooth fractures

If you are dealing with such issues, we invite you to visit our clinic. The first step is a prosthetic consultation during which we will assess your needs, help you choose the appropriate type of crown, and explain the stages of treatment.
If you wish to learn more about dental crowns, we encourage you to visit the Dental Prosthetics section.

Charme Clinique
Our Knowledge – Your Health and Smile

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