Surgical Extraction of Wisdom Teeth and Impacted Teeth

Surgical removal of wisdom teeth is one of the most commonly performed dental surgery procedures. Thanks to the extensive experience of our surgical team, the procedure, although serious, is completely safe, and complications are very rare (provided the patient follows post-procedure recommendations: taking antibiotics, maintaining proper hygiene, and attending follow-up appointments).

Surgical removal of wisdom teeth is indicated in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory conditions around the tooth causing pain
  • Orthodontic recommendations: when wisdom teeth hinder treatment of bite issues
  • Prosthodontic indications

These procedures should always be performed by a dentist with a specialization in dental surgery.

If several wisdom teeth need to be removed, we recommend doing it under general anesthesia. This allows for the extraction of all wisdom teeth in one visit, so the patient needs to take antibiotics only once, and takes just one sick leave. More about procedures under anesthesia can be found in the section Dental Treatment Under General Anesthesia.

Impacted teeth are fully developed teeth that have not erupted – they remain embedded in the bone. In this case, the surgical extraction procedure involves chiseling: making an incision in the gum, exposing the impacted tooth, and removing it. This is usually done in preparation for orthodontic or prosthetic treatment.

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