Periodontal Treatment

Our dental clinic offers a comprehensive range of periodontal treatment, including:

  • Prevention of gum diseases (periodontal diseases)
  • Treatment of gum inflammation (gingivitis)
  • Treatment of periodontitis, including advanced periodontitis
  • Periodontal surgery

Why Trust Your Periodontal Treatment to Charme Clinique’s Specialists?

  • Charme Clinique has over a decade of experience in treating periodontal diseases.
  • We work exclusively with experienced periodontists, specialists in the field with years of practice.
  • Our knowledge, experience, technical expertise, and wide range of dental services we offer enable us to treat periodontitis at any stage of development, including advanced stages. Under our care, you are guaranteed professional assistance during every phase of the disease.
  • Periodontal surgical procedures are performed in our professional, fully-equipped operating room, prepared for even the most complex surgeries.
  • We offer treatments under general anesthesia for extensive procedures where local anesthesia would be insufficient or for patients who struggle with lengthy procedures.
  • We use the latest globally recognized therapy methods to achieve the best results.

Charme Clinique
Our Knowledge – Your Health and Smile

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+48 723 12 12 12