How to Prepare for General Anesthesia?

To ensure full safety, the following guidelines must be followed before the procedure.


  • The child should not eat or drink for at least 6 hours before the procedure.
  • If the child takes any medication on a regular basis, they should take it at the usual time with a small amount of water. This must also be communicated to the doctor during the pre-procedure interview.
  • Contact lenses, removable orthodontic appliances, and any metal objects (hairpins, hair bands, jewelry) should be removed before the procedure.
  • It is recommended to talk to the child beforehand, preparing them for the visit and pointing out the benefits of the procedure – e.g., “You won’t have toothache anymore.”
  • An adult should accompany the child to the clinic and provide care for 24 hours afterwards, including safe transport home after the procedure.


  • No food or drink should be consumed for at least 6 hours before the procedure. Medications should be taken as usual with a small amount of water.
  • Alcohol should not be consumed at least 24 hours before the procedure.
  • It is advisable to stop smoking at least 6 hours before the procedure.
  • Nail polish and makeup should not be applied.
  • Before the procedure, contact lenses, removable orthodontic appliances, and dental prostheses should be removed.
  • Jewelry, rings, chains, and hairpins should be removed, ideally left at home.
  • At least 24 hours after the procedure, alcohol consumption, driving, and operating machinery should be avoided.
  • The patient should remain under supervision of an accompanying adult for 24 hours after the procedure.

Charme Clinique
Our Knowledge – Your Health and Smile

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