Dental Treatment Under General Anesthesia: What Does it Involve and When is it Recommended?

Dental treatment under general anesthesia (also known as full sedation) involves performing necessary dental procedures while the patient is completely unconscious induced into a state similar to deep sleep. This anesthesia method ensures the complete elimination of pain, stress, and involuntary reactions from the patient that could hinder or prevent effective treatment.

This method is recommended for patients who are unable to cooperate with the dentist or undergo treatment under local anesthesia due to:

  • Young age
  • Hyperactivity (ADHD)
  • Intellectual or physical disabilities
  • Severe dental anxiety (dentophobia)

General anesthesia is also advised for:

  • Advanced caries requiring urgent treatment of multiple teeth
  • Surgical tooth extractions
  • Complex, lengthy and precise procedures such as dental trauma repair, sinus lift surgery, or multiple implant placements in one session.

Charme Clinique
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