Dental Treatment Under General Anesthesia for Adults

For adults, dental treatment under general anesthesia is recommended only for complicated cases. Specific indications for general anesthesia include:

  • Disability (intellectual or physical), making local anesthesia difficult or impossible
  • Conditions that lead to uncontrolled reflexes which pose a risk during the procedure
  • Surgical removal of several teeth (e.g., all wisdom teeth)
  • Advanced caries combined with severe dentophobia, causing the patient's dental health to negatively affect their general health and requiring urgent intervention.

Advantages of Dental Treatment Under General Anesthesia for Adults

  • Complete elimination of pain and stress
  • Accelerated treatment process (several procedures can be completed in one visit) and reduced sick leave time, which is especially important for professional activities
  • Immediate improvement in patient health and comfort
  • Convenient scheduling tailored to the patient’s needs
  • No swelling and no need for multiple courses of antibiotics when a large number of teeth needs to be removed surgically

Charme Clinique
Our Knowledge – Your Health and Smile

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