Teeth Cleaning: Removing Tartar and Plaque with Scaling and Air Polishing

Scaling and air polishing are basic procedures that help clean teeth of tartar and plaque. If not removed regularly, tartar and plaque can cause serious gum diseases and lead to cavities.

These treatments are suitable for all patients, including those with dental implants, which require special care to maximize their longevity.

Scaling involves removing hard tartar with ultrasonic devices or hand tools (if there are health contraindications for using ultrasound).

Air polishing removes soft dental plaque and stains (e.g., from tea, coffee, or smoking) using a mixture of special powder and water under pressure.

Our dental clinic will help you choose the appropriate method and frequency of teeth cleaning based on your local conditions and health needs. We generally recommend undergoing the procedure every six months. All teeth cleaning in our clinic is performed by experienced dental hygienists, who can recognize the early signs of cavities and inform the patient about the need for a thorough check-up and treatment.

Charme Clinique
Our Knowledge – Your Health and Smile

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Charme Clinique
+48 723 12 12 12