Root Canal Treatment – Services at Charme Clinique

Our dental clinic offers a comprehensive range of root canal treatment services, including:

  • Root canal therapy (endodontic treatment)
  • Microscopic root canal therapy (also known as microscopic endodontics)
  • Root canal retreatment

Why choose Charme Clinique for Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal therapy is a multi-step procedure that demands precision at every stage. The key to successful treatment lies in the flawless execution of each phase, which requires an experienced dentist and the right technical resources.

At Charme Clinique, we use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure accurate diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring throughout the root canal therapy. This advanced technology allows us to address even complex cases, including those with complications from previous treatments resulting from anatomical variations or broken instruments left in the canal.

Our team of dentists brings years of experience in root canal therapy and have access to cutting-edge technology.

  • Radiovisiograph, panoramic X-ray, and CT scan ensure precise diagnostics and lead to more predictable treatment outcomes.
  • Endodontic microscopes provide high precision in finding thin, additional, and incorrectly located root canals, ensuring successful completion of the procedure even in complex cases or those with complications.
  • Apex locators enable precise canal length determination, essential for selecting the right tools for canal preparation (enlarging and disinfecting the canal).
  • Modern root canal instrumentation systems and tools for canal filling guarantee a predictable and successful treatment outcome.

Charme Clinique
Our Knowledge – Your Health and Smile

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