Dental Prostheses (Dentures)

Dental prostheses, or dentures, are removable prosthetic restorations: they can be taken out of the mouth.

They stay stable in the mouth thanks to their attachment systems, such as clasps, fasteners, locks, and telescopic crowns.

Prosthodontics, at this stage of development, offers many options for more convenient and practical restoration of a gap, such as dental crowns, bridges, dental implants, and prosthetic restorations on implants. This is why at Charme Clinique we primarily use dentures as temporary solutions while waiting for the final prosthetic restoration. After tooth extractions, bone healing is necessary. During this time, dentures provide patients with comfort and allow them to carry out their daily activities. They ensure proper chewing function and smile aesthetics. When necessary, we try to make the prosthesis before the planned tooth removal, so that the patient can leave the office with a ready-made temporary restoration immediately after the extraction procedure.

There are situations in which dentures may be used as permanent prosthetic restorations. Sometimes, local conditions (damaged jawbone, lack of space for implants), patient health (e.g., systemic diseases), or habits (e.g., smoking), and financial constraints exclude more advanced solutions. In these cases, our specialists make every effort to ensure the prosthesis meets the patient's expectations, both functionally and aesthetically.

Charme Clinique
Our Knowledge – Your Health and Smile

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